I've been a little busy, but mostly I've been putzing around reading the Internet. Unfortunately there's an infinite supply of interesting information to read.
Thanksgiving Rundown!
I've been thinking again about finding something socially useful to do. In talking to a nice girl on Sunday, I remembered my idea of teaching financial literacy to people--I'm currently watching what you might call "The Advanced Class", a movie called Money As Debt, which is a bit of a brain-bender if you haven't yet discovered that money is more of a fluid consensual hallucination than anything real. The 47-minute movie has a lot of nice history and explanation and diagrams, but it's the story of fractional reserve lending, guaranteed to cause kooks like Ron Paul to foam at the mouth with a long litany of evils and an unbending desire to return to the gold standard.
Anyway. I've been thinking for a long time about basic financial literacy that was handed to me from my parents, and the benefits I get from that, and will pass on to my kids, if any. I read stories about poor people who don't understand what a 12% interest rate means for their monthly payment, and I meet people my own age and class who can pay their bills, but don't have a firm grasp on more advanced money management, from the basics of loans up to basic investing. It's tricky stuff: I'm extremely comfortable with how these things work, and I still don't entirely understand how compound interest is calculated (fortunately that's less important than knowing that interest happens).
It looks like there are a lot more financial literacy pages now than the last time I looked, so we'll see what happens.