
I'm busy. Aikido, and Zen stuff, and this job I tend to show up for at least a few hours a day, and who knows what all else. I did manage to do laundry this morning (though not fold it), get the next step in my sewing done, and make sugar-free chocolate chocolate chip cookies, using crystalline fructose and grain-sweetened chocolate chips, which aside from the fluffy texture came out really, really well. I ate too many of them and am not having the bad effects I get from sugar (not that I feel 100%, but I think the recovery will go easier).

I've ordered several things this past week, books and some CDs and DVDs, so I'm now listening to all five Cake albums, the latest from the Weepies, Hideaway, which is absolutely fantastic, possibly better than their first one, Happiness. Say I Am You is good, but a bit of a downer.

The British know how to do news.
