I just watched Gandhi a few weeks ago (it's brilliant, though it took me a few nights), and I was struck by a number of things, but in particular there's one scene where they've started to wear down the British, and several of Gandhi's associates are agitating for armed rebellion to hurry up and finish the process, when the British are weakened by World War 2. Gandhi sits there, spinning thread, and says, "No. That is just another way of striking back. We have come a long way together with the British. When they leave we want to see them off as friends." It struck me because I now believe it's really important, to end a relationship in a way that everyone, if not agreeing it's the best thing, at least understands all the points of view involved. I watched a friend do this with her marriage, and less excruciatingly, I'm trying to do it with the new job: after one heated conversation, backing off and trying to make it work, knowing it probably won't, but waiting until everyone else can agree on that in a calm way.
I mean, in theory, it could work out. I'm not sure how, though, so I'm more planning on taking a little more time off, because I really enjoyed sitting around reading books and going for walks. I'll have some time to learn some new skills I want (the languages Ruby, Python and Erlang), re-establish regular aikido practice, and take the time to think and find a job situation that really suits me. This current job was a perfectly reasonable opportunity to take, but it didn't pan out, which I knew was a possibility; so, I'll take this time of accumulated savings to not-work a little more, and hope I find something nice before the recession hits and the new bubble bursts.